Participar en el HORROR FES


Every being who dwells the shadows is welcome to take part in this experience, but to ensure the artist’s freedom and avoid offending the naïve, this competition will be limited to performers of legal age (18 years old).

    *you must be 18 by the day of the event.


    What do I have to do to pre-register?

    Para optar a una plaza en el Horror Fest sólo tienes que descargar y cumplimentar nuestro formulario de participación donde nos vas a hablar de ti y de tu EXPERIENCE pole dancing and competing and you will share your terrifying idea with us. IDEA.

    Ese formulario tendrás que enviarlo vía email a junto al enlace a un vídeo (subido a youtube como “privado”) donde nos mostrarás tu habilidad en la barra -en fija y giratoria si dominas ambas- y un esbozo de tu idea si ya tienes algo pensado.

    (Cuando el botón esté rojo el archivo estará disponible para su descarga)

    ¿Puedo inscribirme en varias categorías?

    Por supuesto, puedes participar hasta en un máximo de 3 de nuestras 7 categorías: la correspondiente a tu nivel más grupal y/o batallas.

    What are the judging criteria?

    Mad4pole HORROR FEST selects the most terrifying artists and performances that, following the principles of each taxonomy, help to configure an event as creepy and heterogeneous as possible.

    The final selection will be borne by our NORNAS, a committee composed of three pole and dance professionals,who will be trained to choose the most original, sinister and disturbing pieces. They will also be in charge of checking the level of our candidates.

    OUR JUDGES DON’T TAKE PART IN THE SELECTION and neither will they have access to the videos. We want your performance to have all the elements to shake the foundations of our tribunal. This means that you can show us as much as you want in your application videos, without revealing the surprise. In fact, we encourage you to show and boast your pole dance skills in the application video, to better your chances of being selected.

    When will I know if I’ve been chosen?

    The organisation will contact all the candidates, within the set and previously announced deadlines, to communicate the positive or negative result of the selection and personally thank you for your participation.

    Will it cost me anything to pre-register?

    No, the initial application is completely free. Only the ones chosen to participate in the event will have to formally register and pay the corresponding fee.
